Suzhou Candy World Notice to Visitors
- 一、門票使用須知 Notice on the use of tickets
- 1、入園時(shí)請(qǐng)出示您的門票,門票一經(jīng)修改即作廢,不設(shè)門票退還服務(wù),為防止購(gòu)入廢票,請(qǐng)從蘇州樂園官方渠道購(gòu)買。
- 1. Please show your ticket when you enter the Park, once the ticket is modified, it will be
rendered invalid, there is no ticket refund service, in order to prevent the purchase of
invalid tickets, please purchase from the official channels of Suzhou Amusement Land.
- 2、糖果世界實(shí)行一票制,門票包含糖果世界項(xiàng)目及表演,但園內(nèi)的餐飲、購(gòu)物及物品租賃等需要另行付費(fèi)(詳細(xì)請(qǐng)參閱現(xiàn)場(chǎng)告示)。
- 2. Candy World is a one-ticket system which the ticket covers attractions and performances,
but the food and beverage, shopping and rental items in the Park are charged separately
(please refer to the in-park notices for details).
- 3、請(qǐng)保持門票的完善、清潔、請(qǐng)勿折疊、刻畫,并妥善保管好門票,樂園對(duì)門票概不作登記、掛失處理。
- 3.Please keep the ticket in an intact and mint condition, do not fold or carve; and
safe-keep the ticket properly, since the Park does not register or treat the ticket as an
lost item.
- 4、在享受相關(guān)優(yōu)惠時(shí)請(qǐng)出示相關(guān)證件以便查驗(yàn)入園。
- 4.Please show valid ID documents to staff in order to enjoy relevant concessions when
entering the park.
- 5、在醫(yī)學(xué)上鑒定為不適宜參與游玩的游客謝絕入園。
- 咨詢電話:400-828-6660
- 5.Visitors who are medically recognized as unsuitable to participate in certain attractions
will be refused admission to the Park.
- Inquiry Number: 400-828-6660
- 二、入園須知Notice before entering
- 1、入園游玩時(shí),嚴(yán)禁攜帶下列物品(酒精飲料、罐裝或玻璃容器以及可能影響到他人安全的物品等),請(qǐng)按先后順序排隊(duì)進(jìn)入,有攜帶以上物品的游客,請(qǐng)您到寄存處寄存。
- 1. When entering the Park, it is strictly prohibited to bring the following items (alcoholic
beverages, canned or glass containers and items that may affect the safety of others, etc.),
please line up in order to enter the park and if you have any of the above items, please go
to the storage to deposit.
- 2、寵物及其他動(dòng)物、彩旗鑼鼓、高音喇叭、煙花、爆竹等易燃易爆品,有害、有毒物,管制刀具,槍支及法律規(guī)定的危險(xiǎn)物品嚴(yán)禁帶入園內(nèi)。
- 2. Pets and other animals, colorful flags, gongs and drums, loudhailers, fireworks,
firecrackers and other flammable and explosive products, harmful and poisonous substances,
controlled knives, firearms and dangerous items stipulated by law are strictly prohibited to
bring into the park.
- 3、夏季溫度較高,您所攜帶的食品容易變質(zhì),食用后可能會(huì)造成食物中毒,為了您的健康和安全,請(qǐng)自覺不要將食品帶入園內(nèi)。
- 3. During summer where high temperature is the main cause of food deterioration which leads
to food poisoning, therefore for your health and safety, we strongly advise our visitors not
to bring any food into the park.
- 4、凡患有嚴(yán)重心臟病、高血壓等疾病以及在醫(yī)學(xué)上鑒定為不適宜參與游玩的游客嚴(yán)禁入園游玩項(xiàng)目。
- 4. Visitors suffering from serious heart disease, hypertension or any other medical
conditions identified as unsuitable to board certain attractions and rides, are strictly
prohibited to enter the park.
- 5、蘇州樂園提供外來車輛停車場(chǎng),具體收費(fèi)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)請(qǐng)參照停車場(chǎng)告示。請(qǐng)各位車主配合鎖好車門,請(qǐng)勿將貴重物品遺留在車內(nèi)。
- 5. Suzhou Amusement Land provides parking lot for our visitors, please refer to the parking
lot notice for specific charges. Please lock the car doors and do not leave valuable items
in the car.
- 6、糖果世界年齡在18周歲(不含)以下未成年人需由購(gòu)票成年監(jiān)護(hù)人陪同入園,年齡3周歲(不含)以下嬰幼兒免票,需購(gòu)票成年監(jiān)護(hù)人陪同入園,免票兒童入園需出示本人的出生證明或身份證或戶口本。
- 6. Minors under 18 years old (18 not included) need to be accompanied by a ticketed adult
guardian to enter the park; infants and toddlers under 3 years old (3 not included) are free
to enter the park and need to be accompanied by a ticketed adult guardian, valid ID
documents are required for free admission.
- 7、入園門票請(qǐng)勿折疊且僅限有效期內(nèi)使用,請(qǐng)各位游客不要擁擠,注意看管好自己的孩子,以免發(fā)生走散情況,一旦發(fā)生走散情況,請(qǐng)及時(shí)至鎮(zhèn)長(zhǎng)辦公室廣播尋人。
- 7. Please do not fold the ticket and only valid ticket can be used for admission, please do
not push or shove when queuing, your children need to be supervised to avoid getting
separated, once separated, please go to the Mayor's office at once to broadcast the search
for missing children.
- 8、請(qǐng)游客按指定通道刷票入園。
- 8. Visitors are required to enter the park by swiping the ticket in designated channels.
- 三、游園須知 Notice to visitors
- 1、游客必須仔細(xì)閱讀游園須知,在知曉須知的情況下進(jìn)入本景區(qū)游玩。
- 1. Visitors must carefully read Notice to Visitors and only enter the Park under the
condition of understanding the Notice.
- 2、根據(jù)樂園規(guī)定,個(gè)別手提包、包裹或其他物品可能無法攜帶入園。對(duì)無人看管的物品,園方將適當(dāng)處理。
- 2. According to the park regulations, individual handbags, packages or other items may not
be able to be brought into the park. Unattended items will be handled appropriately by the
- 3、請(qǐng)尊重園內(nèi)其他游客及工作人員,使用文明語(yǔ)言,不做任何危險(xiǎn)、違法、不衛(wèi)生、破壞性或攻擊性的行為。
- 3. Please show common courtesy to other visitors and our staff in the park, use civilized
language and refrain from any dangerous, illegal, unhygienic, destructive or offensive
- 4、為確保安全,請(qǐng)勿在園內(nèi)奔跑。排隊(duì)等待時(shí),請(qǐng)尊重其他游客,請(qǐng)勿與他人發(fā)生沖撞、推搡,所有同行人員需一同排隊(duì)。對(duì)于任何不遵守本園規(guī)則,本園有權(quán)拒絕其進(jìn)園或要求其離園。
- 4. To ensure the safety of our visitors, please do not run in the park. When waiting in
line, please be careful not to bump into or push others in the queue, all group visitors
need to wait in queue together. For any non-compliance with the rules of the Park, we
reserve the right to refuse admission or ask the visitor to exit.
- 5、除指定吸煙區(qū)外,園內(nèi)禁止吸煙(包括煙草、電子香煙及其他會(huì)產(chǎn)生煙霧的產(chǎn)品),具體吸煙區(qū)位置可參閱樂園指南或咨詢工作人員。
- 5. Smoking (including tobacco, electronic cigarettes and other form of smoke-producing
products) is prohibited in the park except in designated smoking areas, please refer to the
park guide or consult our staff for locations of specific smoking areas.
- 6、游客必須遵守園區(qū)相關(guān)規(guī)則及了解各個(gè)游樂項(xiàng)目的規(guī)則后進(jìn)行游玩,若由于游客不遵守相關(guān)規(guī)則或其他自身原因?qū)е掠慰腿魏呜?cái)物損失或人身傷害的,均由游客自己負(fù)責(zé)。
- 6. Visitors must comply with the relevant rules of the park and understand the regulations
of the various attractions and rides, visitors are solely responsible for any loss of
property or personal injury if visitors do not comply with the relevant rules and
regulations or such loss or injury is a result of other personal reasons.
- 7、請(qǐng)勿服用違禁藥物或在飲酒情況下游玩游樂項(xiàng)目。
- 7. Please do not take prohibited drugs or consume alcohol when participating the rides.
- 8、所有游樂項(xiàng)目均會(huì)定期進(jìn)行檢修和保養(yǎng),相關(guān)檢修和保養(yǎng)工作可能會(huì)造成部分游樂項(xiàng)目開放時(shí)間的延遲或暫停對(duì)游客的開放,請(qǐng)留意現(xiàn)場(chǎng)告示牌。
- 8. All attractions and rides will be regularly serviced and maintained and such maintenance
work may result in the delay or the suspension of the opening time of the rides, so please
pay attention to the notice boards at certain attractions.
- 9、因暴雨、雷電、臺(tái)風(fēng)等惡劣天氣、停電以及其他不可抗拒因素,為了保證您的安全,本園可能會(huì)在無法預(yù)先通知的情況下,暫?;蛲V箞@內(nèi)游樂設(shè)施或取消園內(nèi)表演活動(dòng),本園不會(huì)因此而實(shí)行門票延期或退票。
- 9. Due to inclement weather such as rainstorms, thunderstorms, typhoons, power outages and
other factors of force majeure, the park may suspend or stop the rides or cancel the
performances without prior notice to ensure the safety of our visitors, and the park will
not extend or refund the tickets for this reason.
- 10、觀看表演時(shí),請(qǐng)勿穿越表演場(chǎng)地,服從現(xiàn)場(chǎng)工作人員的指引和安排。
- 10. When watching the show, please do not cross the performance venue and follow staff
instruction and arrangement.
- 11、嚴(yán)禁以下活動(dòng):
- a.未經(jīng)本樂園許可,在園區(qū)內(nèi)銷售任何物品或服務(wù),宣傳展示任何物品或服務(wù)。
- b.派發(fā)印刷品。
- c.未經(jīng)允許的活動(dòng)、游行、演說和公眾集會(huì)等。
- d.商業(yè)用途的攝影和錄像。
- e.任何妨礙或破壞樂園設(shè)施的行為。
- 11. The following activities are strictly prohibited without our permission:
- a. Selling or advertising any item or service in the park without the permission of Suzhou
Amusement Land.
- b. The distribution and display of printed or recorded materials of any kind.
- c. Unauthorized activities, rallies, speeches and public gatherings, etc.
- d. Photography and video recording for commercial purposes.
- e. Any behavior that obstructs or damages park facilities.
- 12、本游客須知如有變更,不再另行通知。如法律另有強(qiáng)制性規(guī)定,則應(yīng)以相應(yīng)法律規(guī)定為準(zhǔn)。
- 如有疑問或遇緊急情況,請(qǐng)咨詢工作人員。
- 以上游客須知敬請(qǐng)游客朋友們?cè)谌雸@前認(rèn)真閱讀并遵守,游客入園后視為認(rèn)同以上規(guī)定,預(yù)祝您在糖果世界度過美好開心的一天!
- 12. This Notice to Visitors is subject to change without prior notice. Unless otherwise
mandatory by law, the corresponding legal provisions shall prevail.
- If in doubt or in case of emergency, please consult our staff.
- Please read carefully and comply with the above Notice to Visitors before entering the Park,
visitors are deemed in agreement with the above provisions once admitted, everyone from our
staff wish you a wonderful and joyful day at Candy World!

- 1、請(qǐng)遵守游樂設(shè)施的各項(xiàng)安全規(guī)定,按工作人員的要求使用、乘坐道具。
- 2、在園區(qū)內(nèi)因奔跑滑倒而受傷的比率是最高的,為了您的安全,請(qǐng)您勿在園區(qū)內(nèi)奔跑。
- 3、請(qǐng)妥善保管好您的隨身物品,謹(jǐn)防丟失,貴重物品請(qǐng)寄存。
- 4、老年人(60周歲以上)、孕婦、心臟病及相關(guān)疾病患者,請(qǐng)按照游玩須知或工作人員提示游玩相關(guān)項(xiàng)目。
- 5、請(qǐng)家長(zhǎng)按實(shí)時(shí)天氣溫度,為您的孩子及時(shí)穿好保暖衣物。
- 6、文明旅游,綠色出行,有你有我。